Homes for the Holidays returns Sunday, December 1, 2024!

Thank you so much for your ongoing, generous support of QPHVS’s annual fundraising event.

Tickets go on sale in early November. When you purchase your tickets online, please bring your digital or print ticket receipt to Royal City Colours, 700 Twelfth Street, New Westminster, to pick up your ticket brochure. It contains a map to the homes and it’s your entry passport into each home on the tour.

Photo – Jennifer Gauthier, New West Record, 2019

The QPHVS ‘Homes for the Holidays’ Tour is Back!

Sunday December 1, 2024 | 4:30 – 7:30 PM | Tickets: TBA

Queen’s Park Healthcare Volunteer Society is proud to present its 2024 Homes for Holidays festive holiday tour, with the support of Heritage New West, which organizes the homes and ticket sales for this bi-annual event.

After a two-year Pandemic-related hiatus, Queen’s Park Healthca

Get ready to visit a selection of festive homes, aglow in lighted splendour as darkness falls in New Westminster’s favourite neighbourhoods. OUr last tour invited patrons to walk through the principal rooms of six homes, including a stately 1885 Victorian in Brow of the Hill, a sleek 1959 Mid-Century modern in Massey Heights and a gracious 1911 Arts and Crafts home in Queen’s Park–and of course, a perennial favourite: Irving House, where staff in period costumes will show you a Dickensian Christmas.

All proceeds from Homes for the Holidays tickets are directed toward improving the quality of life for long and short term patients and rehabilitation programs at Queen’s Park Care Centre and the adjacent William Rudd House.

There are a limited number of tickets available for this popular event, so buy online or in-store, beginning November 6. Present your proof of purchase at Royal City Colours at 12th Street & 7th Avenue, New Westminter. Here, you’ll pick up your ticket brochure that features the map and addresses of the six homes on this year’s tour. It’s your ‘passport’ to entering each home.

Royal City Colours will be open for ticket pick-up until 5:00 PM, Saturday, December 3 – the day prior to the Homes for the Holidays tour. If you can’t pick up your ticket(s) prior to the tour, please email:

As an added bonus, mix heritage with retail therapy! Present your ticket guidebook at Quintessential, the popular gift shop in the lobby at Queen’s Park Care Centre, for a 15% discount until December 24.

Christmas shopping

Craft sales and teas are a longstanding tradition in the Christmas season. We’ll list upcoming events here, once the events are announced.

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